Coaching Craft – Chapter 3 – Building Positive Cultures in Coaching

It’s time to launch our 2023 Coaching Craft coaching course!

This course will help coaches of all levels, from new to expert, expand upon their coaching horizons and recentre themselves back toward what is most important as a coach.




*Prices listed in USD$

$35.99 USD

For anyone looking to develop their craft and dig deeper into the minutiae behind sports coaching – including how to set athletes up for optimal success.

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Coaching Philosophies Guide

Struggling to know how to communicate your ideas about the game in a succinct format? Our ‘Coaching Philosophies Guide’ will help you to know what you need to consider when building the perfect team environment, and will allow you to nail down your thoughts about how and who you want to be as a coach.…

Introduction to Football Analysis – Online Course with Rhys Desmond

Calling all football fanatics, coaches, players, analysts and anyone who qualifies as “football obsessed”, finally brings you our brand-new ‘Introduction to Football Analysis’ course! The course is self-paced and online via articles, videos, email correspondence, and a range of other online materials. Course attendees will get individualized attention from the instructor – Rhys Desmond…

Modern-day coaching methodologies and the power of positive psychology

The days of yelling at players for not making it to first base are over! Or at least, they should be. Coaching has changed dramatically over the past twenty years. There is a new-wave of coaches that understand how they would want to be communicated to as athletes, and bring that to the forefront when…

How I coached an unbeaten team

In the summer of 2021, I took a youth team to an unbeaten campaign, in their first ever season playing together. While winning is never the most important part of youth soccer, I share some of the key tips and tricks that allowed me to achieve success with my team and instill a positive culture…

Adopting a player-centered approach to coaching

Leadership is a process that not only involves you having influence over groups or individuals, but as those same individuals or groups having influence over you. You cannot thrive as a leader without your followers also inspiring you to reach your true potential. This is precisely why we must create an athlete-centered approach to the…

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I am currently accepting new clients in my coaching & mentorship program. I work with coaches and players from around the world! If you’re interested in learning more about my site or experiencing my coaching, feel free to reach out! 👊⚽

rhys desmond – founder of themastermindsite

Across the past decade, I have worked with thousands of players and coaches across multiple sports and disciplines. I recognize the value of diving deeper beyond the first glance, and uncovering the deeper-lying ways to enhance performance. I make a commitment toward positive reinforcement, research-backed insights, and making the experience fun for those that work with me.

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