Game of Numbers #30 – Defending the world’s best striker – Gabriel Magalhães

We all know just how good Erling Haaland is at football. He only needs one chance, and more often than not, he'll score. But what makes him such a powerhouse is the combination of traits (pace, power, strength, hold-up, playmaking, etc.) that intertwine to make him the most frightening striker in the world. In order to defend against the world's best in Erling Haaland, you have to fully believe and embody the role of someone who can go toe-to-toe with the City man. Perhaps most importantly, you have to throw Haaland off his game, without stepping over a certain line of aggression. It might have gone under the radar as Arsenal claimed their first win over the Citizens in the Arteta era, but that is exactly what Gabriel accomplished on Sunday. Here is Game of Numbers #30.

How to use Wyscout for successful video analysis

Wyscout has become the go-to place for video analysis, scouting & recruitment, and all of the analysis needs for pro clubs and analysts like myself! In this video, I'm going to teach you exactly how I use the platform for my analyses and the work I do for clubs.

Game of Numbers #24 – Bellingham at the top of the diamond

Much has been made this summer about Real Madrid's lack of a natural Karim Benzema replacement up front, and the downgrade of Joselu entering that position for Los Blancos instead. But sometimes, you don't need to replace a player in the transfer market with a like-for-like switch. Sometimes, all you need to do is tweak the shape of the team. This is what Real Madrid have done in finding a solution for their Benzema dilemma. In the process, they've also presented a solution to the conundrum regarding how to fit all their fantastic pieces in midfield together.

Top 20 Sweeper Keepers – 2022-23

Last season, I broke down positions into twenty-six different roles. The aim of my Role Continuity Evaluation System was to assess performance via what actually matters for a player's own unique set of tasks. As I recently spoke about in 'Data-Driven Decision Making & Player Roles', even two players within the exact same role may have different job descriptions based on their team ideologies and their own unique characteristics. Role Continuity recognizes those differences, by assessing not only data, but by utilizing the eye test to uncover player IQ and decision making.

Pep Guardiola – Manchester City – Tactical Analysis (2022-23)

For much of the 2022-23 season, Arsenal looked like genuine title favourites, with the Gunners in full flow under a former Pep Guardiola mentee, Mikel Arteta. But in the past few months, the Gunners have slowly started to slip away, and tip the scale back in favour of the team that have won four of the last five seasons. Pep Guardiola's team have been absolutely immaculate as the season has come to a close, under much in the way of new, evolving tactics. We break down the tactical undertones of Guardiola's team in 2022-23, and how they've evolved their approach in the quest for another league title.

Explaining the Sweeper Keeper – Player Role Analysis

The 'Sweeper Keeper' came to deserved acclaim at the 2014 World Cup, when Manuel Neuer showcased his ability to rush out of his goal, and "sweep" in behind Germany's high-line, almost playing like another centre-back out of possession. Since then, the role of the sweeper keeper has only grown and evolved, becoming a player who is capable in build-up phases, ventures out of their goal to involve themselves in passing sequences higher up the pitch, and completely commands their penalty area by coming off their line and taking control of any situation.